Boletín de la Sociedad Zoológica del Uruguay, 2024
Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
ISSN 2393-6940
Oil palm cultivation and the conversion of tropical forests
to pastures are impacting freshwater tropical systems.
This study examines periphyton biomass, richness,
diversity, and community composition in streams affected
by forests, pastures, and oil palm plantations, with and
without forest buffer strips. Streams shaded by forests or
riparian buffers exhibited more canopy cover, lower water
temperatures, and reduced light, while those in pastures
and unbuffered plantations had higher periphyton
biomass, indicated by elevated chlorophyll-a levels.
Periphyton richness and diversity were higher in pasture
streams compared to forested ones and streams through
oil palm areas. Common periphyton taxa differed among
stream depending of land cover. Streams in buffered and
unbuffered palm plantations featured taxa such as
Navicula and Gyrosigma, whereas pasture streams
commonly included were characterized by genera such as
Cymbella, and Gonatozygon, and forest stream
communities featured Phormidium and Eunotia. Pasture
streams displayed altered taxa richness and diversity
compared to the other land uses. There were no
significant differences in periphyton communities between
the two oil palm cultivation types, indicating that
conservation buffers may not effectively protect
periphyton communities in these settings. This research
highlights the need for further studies on the impacts of
agricultural practices on aquatic primary producers.
Keywords: benthic algae, land cover change, pasture,
palm oil.
La influencia de la cobertura del suelo en las
comunidades de periphyton en arroyos del norte de
Guatemala. La conversión de bosques tropicales por
palma aceitera y potreros impactan en las comunidades
acuáticas. Estudiamos los cambios en la riqueza,
diversidad y comunidades de perifiton en arroyos de
bosques, potreros y plantaciones de palma aceitera, con y
sin franjas ribereñas. Los arroyos en bosques o
plantaciones con franjas ribereñas mostraron mayor
cobertura de dosel, bajas temperaturas de agua y menor
entrada de luz que los arroyos en potreros y plantaciones
sin franjas ribereñas. Estos últimos presentaron mayor
biomasa de perifiton, evidenciada por altos niveles de
clorofila-a. La riqueza de taxa y diversidad fueron
significativamente mayores en arroyos de potreros en
comparación con los de bosque y palma aceitera. En los
arroyos de plantaciones de palma predominaban taxones
como Navicula y Gyrosigma. En los de potreros Cymbella
y Gonatozygon, y en los de bosque, Phormidium y
Eunotia. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en
las comunidades de perifiton entre los dos tipos de cultivo
de palma aceitera, lo que indica que las franjas de
conservación pueden no proteger eficazmente a las
comunidades de perifiton en estos entornos. Destacamos
la necesidad de realizar más estudios sobre los impactos
de las prácticas agrícolas en los productores primarios
Palabras clave: algas bennicas, cambio de
cobertura terrestre, pastos, aceite de palma
Tropical forests provide essential ecosystem
services and are home to more than half of the species
on earth (Myers, 1988). Despite their importance,
tropical forests have been rapidly declining due to
deforestation caused by agricultural expansion (Giam,
2017; Laurance et al., 2014) and pasture lands
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
1,2, 1,3 4 4
Natalia Vargas-López Krista A. Capps Dean Jacobsen Oscar A. Rojas-Castillo
1Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, USA
2Centro de Estudios de Atitlán, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Sololá, Guatemala
3River Basin Center, University of Georgia, USA
4Freshwater Biology Section, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Correspondence author:
Fecha de recepción: 13 de junio de 2024
Fecha de aceptación: 25 de noviembre de 2024
, , , .
(Kaimowitz, 1996). Oil palm cultivation (Elaeis
guineensis Jacq.) is a primary driver of deforestation in
the tropics and is the fastest-expanding crop in the
world (Davis et al., 2020; Vijay et al., 2016). In Latin
America, pastureland has also significantly replaced
tropical forests, making it one of the most prominent
changes in land cover (Graesser et al., 2015;
Wassenaar et al., 2007). Pasture and palm cultivation
homogenizes habitats, driving the loss of biodiversity
(Meijaard et al., 2018; Reiners et al., 1994) with
negative impacts documented for insects (Fitzherbert
et al., 2008; Kruess & Tscharntke, 2002).
Oil palm cultivation and pastures can also
significantly impact aquatic ecosystem function and
aquatic biodiversity particularly through the
modification of riparian vegetation (Rojas-Castillo et
al., 2024a). Riparian vegetation plays a crucial role as a
buffer to streams subject to land cover conversion,
mitigating the adverse effects of changes in the
surrounding environment on aquatic ecosystems
(Naiman & Décamps, 1997; Reichenberger et al.,
2007). Land conversion in the riparian zone can affect
in-stream sedimentation rates (Koren & Klein, 2000),
water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen,
temperature, and nutrients (Chellaiah & Yule, 2018),
and the availability of allochthonous food sources and
microhabitats in streams (Gonçalves et al., 2014).
When riparian buffers are completely removed, intense
light can penetrate streams (Osborne & Kovacic,
1993), and surface runoff can enter streams carrying
high concentrations of nutrients (Kennedy, 1984;
Kuriata-Potasznik et al., 2020). Research has shown
that the conversion of land to oil palm cultivation can
significantly alter macroinvertebrate (Luiza-Andrade et
al., 2017), and fish communities (Chua et al., 2020).
Conversion to pasture can influence leaf litter
decomposition (Lemes da Silva et al., 2020) and
ambient nutrient concentrations (Neill et al., 2001).
Relatively little work has focused on photosynthetic
microorganisms such as periphyton in oil palm
plantation streams (Rojas-Castillo et al., 2024a).
Though some work has considered the impact of
conversion to pasture on periphyton communities,
there is still much to be learned (Tromboni et al., 2019).
Periphyton communities are essential components
of stream ecosystems, supporting food webs (Wu,
2017) and biogeochemical cycling (Hagerthey et al.,
2011). Periphyton communities, found abundantly in
various stream ecosystems, exhibit remarkable
diversity and demonstrate swift adaptability to shifts in
water quality (Li et al., 2010). They respond to changes
induced by shifts in land cover and environmental
conditions, manifesting alterations in both their
structural composition and functional dynamics. For
instance, streams draining pasture, or agriculture (e.g.,
coffee plantations), have shown greater taxon richness
and diversity compared to forested streams (Vázquez
et al., 2011). Additionally, increases in algal biomass
are common when land conversion opens the canopy,
allowing more light, and potentially more nutrients, to
enter streams (Quinn et al., 1997; Von Schiller et al.,
2007; Tromboni et al., 2019). The traits of community
members can also shift in response to land conversion,
moving towards communities dominated by tolerant
taxa (Bere & Tundisi, 2011; Mangadze et al., 2015;
Tromboni et al., 2019). Collectively, the patterns
suggest that periphyton communities may be a
valuable, but underutilized bioindicator for monitoring
changes in streams impacted oil palm plantations,
providing deeper insights into the agricultural impacts
on aquatic ecosystems.
Our study was conducted in Guatemala, the sixth
major oil palm producer in the world (IndexMundi,
2024), which has also experienced a significant
increase in land allocated to pasture in recent years
(Carr, 2004). Conversion to pasture land and oil palm
cultivation are interconnected, as the expansion of oil
palm plantations in the country has primarily occurred
at the expense of pastures, in addition to land
conversion from other crops and forests (Furumo &
Aide, 2017). To evaluate the effects of land-cover
change and the expansion of the oil palm monocrops
on periphyton communities in Guatemalan streams,
we conducted a comparison of periphyton
communities in streams draining pastures, forests, and
two types of oil palm plantations -those that implement
riparian buffers as a mitigation strategy and those that
do not. We aim to answer (i) how does land use relate to
stream algae biomass (measured as benthic
chlorophyll-a concentrations)? and, (ii) what are the
impacts of land-use change on periphyton richness,
evenness, and community composition? We expect
that streams with high canopy cover (forest and oil
palm with buffer strips) would have reduced algae
biomass, species richness and diversity compared to
open canopy streams (pasture and unbuffered oil palm
streams) due to light limitation and lower temperatures.
Additionally, we expected that the community
composition in open canopy streams would be
characterized by taxa associated with greater light
input, temperature, nutrients, and turbidity compared to
the closed canopy streams, as riparian vegetation is
also expected to reduce nutrient and sediment runoff.
Study site and experimental design
We worked in the Lachuá Ecoregion of northern
Guatemala, which is a low-lying, karst- dominated
landscape. The average temperature is 25.3°C, and
annual precipitation in the region is greater than 2500
mm with two seasons predominating: dry (February to
May) and rainy (June to October) (CONAP, 2003). The
ecoregion comprises the Laguna Lachuá National Park
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
3The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala
(LLNP), declared a RAMSAR site of international
importance for wetland conservation (RAMSAR,
2004). It is also considered one of Guatemala's last
remnants of tropical rainforests composed of dense
vegetation of at least 76 plant families (CONAP, 2003).
Surrounding the LLNP, land cover is mixed.
Approximately 55% of the forest cover has been
replaced by pastures, human settlements, roads, and
annual crops (Quezada et al., 2014). Agriculture
practices consist of subsistence crop production, such
as corn, beans, and chili, and also included larger
plantations of cardamom, coffee, cocoa, rubber, and oil
palm (MAGA, 2012; Quezada et al., 2014). Oil palm
cultivation in the Lachuá Ecoregion began in 2006
(MAGA, 2012), and often involved deforestation or the
replacement of previously intervened lands, primarily
pastures (Furumo & Aide, 2017), and currently
northern Guatemala has the largest area of oil palm
plantations in the country (GREPALMA, 2019). The
study was conducted during the rainy season between
July and August of 2021 when nutrient and sediment
runoff was expected to be greater. We collected
samples in 19, first and second-order streams draining
tropical forest (FO; n = 7), pasture (PA; n = 6), and oil
palm plantations with riparian buffers (OPB; n = 3) and
without riparian buffers (OP; n = 3) (Fig. 1).
Catchment and stream characteristics
We measured land cover, water temperature and
light input, and water quality variables in all study
streams. To estimate land cover, we employed the
stream catchment areas previously delimited by Rojas-
Castillo et al., (2023). The percentage of each land
cover (i.e., tropical forest, palm oil, pasture, secondary
vegetation or roads) was estimated using Google Earth
2021 satellite images (Google Earth engine, 2021) by
manually delimiting polygons and then transforming
into shape files in QGis (QGIS Development Team,
2019) to calculate the area (m ) of each type of land
cover. The estimation of the canopy cover density was
obtained from Rojas-Castillo et al. (2023).
Water temperature and light input were measured
using HOBO® Pendant MX Temp/Light data loggers in
each stream. The loggers were programmed to
measure temperature (°C) and light (lux) every 30
minutes over a month. Physico-chemical parameters
were measured once during the sampling period, i.e.,
one deployment of the probes and one water sample
that was collected during the study. Variables
measured included dissolved oxygen (DO mg/L),
conductivity (µS/cm), turbidity (NTU), and pH, that
were measured using a multiparametric probe (Model
6000; YSI, Yellow Springs, OH, USA), pH-meter
(ecoTestr pH2) and turbidimeter (Eutech-100). We also
collected and analyzed samples for Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (DBO; mg/L), NO (mg/L), NH (mg/L),
3 4
inorganic nitrogen, SiO (mg/L), and PO (mg/L) using a
2 4
single, 2-liter water sample from each stream using
acid-washed plastic jars. Samples were refrigerated
until analysis in the Analytical Solutions laboratory
Chemical (SiO only) and the Environmental Research
Laboratory (LIQA; the rest of the analytes).
Periphyton biomass: benthic chlorophyll-a
concentrations 2
The concentration of benthic chlorophyll-a (mg/m ),
a proxy for algal biomass, was measured on stones
and in sediment following Jacobsen et al. (2016).
Replicate samples were collected at four points in the
streams, at least 20 m apart. The total number of
replicates collected was: FO = 28; PA = 24; OP = 12;
OPB = 12. Each replicate consisted of the collection of
3 stones and 3 core sediments. Stones were collected
manually, and cores were obtained from the superficial
layer of sediments using a 55-cc syringe. The samples
were placed in bottles with 96% ethanol (Pápista &
Böddi, 2002) and stored in the dark in a refrigerator for
48 hours until the chlorophyll was extracted. To
complete the extraction, the ethanol from samples was
filtered by gravity with Whatman® glass microfiber
filters, grade GF/F, 0.7 μm pore. The solvent obtained
was stored in aluminum-lined bottles under
refrigeration for 24 hours. The solvent was processed
in HACH DR 6000 spectrophotometer at 665 nm and
750 nm. Once we obtained the values from the
spectrophotometer, we calculated the surface area of
the sediments and rocks. The sediment's surface area
was equivalent to the diameter of the syringe (seven
cm ), and the rock surface area was obtained from the
formula of Jacobsen et al. (2016) that includes the
measurement of the length, width and height of the
stones. The benthic chlorophyll-a concentration was
quantified spectrophotometrically by the method
described by Søndergaard & Riemann (1979) using
the specific coefficient of absorption of chlorophyll in
ethanol (Jacobsen et al., 2016).
Periphyton communities
To evaluate periphyton community composition, we
collected periphyton from three locations (0m, 50m,
and 100m) in each stream reach (Rojas et al., 2022).
The total number of replicates collected from each
habitat type was: FO = 21; PA = 18; OP = 9; OPB = 9.
Substrates were not distributed evenly among
streams, so in pasture and oil palm streams, we
collected on rocks, when possible, but we also
collected samples from wood when rocks were not
available. To delineate the sample area on the hard
surfaces, we used a four-centimeter diameter PVC
ring, and gently scraped from the surface using a
brush. We washed the scraped material with stream
water and fixed in 4% lugol (Stevenson & Bahls, 1999).
Samples were stored in dark bottles until they were
analyzed in the laboratory. The initial sample volume of
100 mL underwent 24-hour sedimentation, followed by
volume reduction to 50 mL through vacuum filtration.
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Subsequently, it underwent an additional 24-hour
sedimentation, resulting in a further reduction in
volume to 18 mL (Bellinger & Sigee, 2010). We
conducted the volume reduction process at room
temperature, on a horizontal surface and out of direct
sunlight in order to be able to identify and quantify
organisms in a smaller volume (20 mL) than the initial
one (100 mL) (Karlson et al., 2010).
We identified the soft algae and diatoms in wet
mounts to the genus or morphospecies level using a
Labomed Lx400 Phase Contrast Microscope. The
same taxonomic resolution was used to estimate taxa
richness and the community composition in each
sample by counting the first 200 organisms in each
sample (Stevenson & Smol, 2015). We used keys of E.
Bellinger & Sigee (2015); Bicudo & Menezes (2006);
Cox (1996); Prescott (1978); Wehr & Sheath (2003).
After completing the identification process, we
preserved the samples in 2 mL of 10% formalin to
ensure they remain intact for an extended period
(Karlson et al. 2010). An adaptation of the Arriola et al.
(2015) and Biggs & Kilroy (2000) formulas were used to
obtain the relative density estimate for each sample
(formula 1).
Formula 1 -1
Organisms density cm = (Counted organisms x Volf)
/ (Voli x Volc) / (Diameter)
Counted organisms: total number of organisms
counted in each sample.
Volf: concentrated volume (18 mL).
Volfi: collected volume (100 mL).
Volfc: volume counted to reach 200 organisms.
Diameter: Sampling diameter, according to PVC ring
(4 cm x 5 substrates = 20 cm).
Statistical analysis
To assess whether differences in water chemistry
could be documented among land cover types, we
used PERMANOVA, followed by Pairwise-Permanova
when needed (Table 1) (Gentleman et al., 2008). Using
the raw data from the periphyton counts, we calculated
the observed and expected species richness (S), and
Simpson index (D) with the iNEXT package in R using
the ChaoRichness, and ChaoSimpson with 95%
confidence intervals (Hsieh et al., 2016). For obtaining
Pielou Evenness (J) we used the formula J = Shannon-
Weiner/log(Richness) (Alatalo, 1981). For our
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Fig. 1. Maps of the catchment area of each stream and their predominant land cover. (A) the location of the Lachuá
Ecoregion in Guatemala, (B) the general location of the catchment areas, (C-E) dominant land cover in each catchment
(Google Earth engine, 2021).
5The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala
subsequent analyses, we used the Expected Richness
and Expected Simpson values derived from the iNEXT
package, as these indices (S and D) tend to be
sensitive to undetected presence of rare species and
the impact of sampling effort (Colwell et al., 2012). To
estimate the effect of land use on S, D, J, and
chlorophyll-a concentration, we conducted analysis of
variance (ANOVAs) on linear mixed-effect models, with
stream as a random effect (Bates et al., 2015). In cases
when land cover significantly impacted a response
variable, we also ran a post hoc Tukey-Kramer test to
evaluate differences among treatments (Herberich et
al. (2010);Code in supplementary material as
01Biodiversity and 03Chlorophyll).
We ran a non-metric multidimensional scaling
(NMDS) with the Bray-Curtis Index using the
periphyton density to evaluate differences in commu-
nity structure for each stream (Code in supplementary
material as: 04Community). To test the relative influ-
ence of the environmental variables on periphyton
communities, we used the function envfit from the
vegan package (Gentleman et al., 2008). We then
completed a PERMANOVA and a pairwise
PERMANOVA to compare differences in the observed
group in the NMDS (Anderson, 2017). To identify the
representative taxa from each of the groups identified
through NMDS, we performed an indicator species
analysis using the multipatt function from the
indicspecies R package (De Cáceres & Legendre,
2009). Since buffered and unbuffered streams in oil
palm were not statistically different (PairwisePerma-
nova; r 0.237, p = 0.400), we used only three groups in
the indicator species analysis: forest, pasture, and oil
Land cover and physicochemical parameters
The study catchments had at least 70% of their area
covered by the designated land cover, i.e., forest, oil
palm plantation or pasture (Table 1). All forest
catchments on Laguna Lachuá National Park were
characterized by 100% forest cover. In contrast,
pasture catchments had more variability, but pasture
cover in all watersheds exceeded 72%. The
catchments dominated by oil palm (OP1-OP3) were
covered by 96% palm cover, while the other palm sites
(OP4-OP6) had 71% palm cover and 21% secondary
Of the parameters measured, light, temperature,
dissolved oxygen, and turbidity were significantly differ-
ent among land cover treatments. Light input was sig-
nificantly higher in pasture and unbuffered oil palm
(PERMANOA p = 0.001). In pasture streams, the tem-
perature was almost 4°C higher (PERMANOA p =
0.001) and dissolved oxygen was almost 3 mg/L lower
compared to streams in all other land cover
(PERMANOA p = 0.002). Palm oil streams with and
without a buffer strip had the highest turbidity compared
to forest and pasture streams (PERMANOA p = 0.001).
Relative to pasture and forest streams, oil palm
streams with no buffer had two times and four times
water turbidity, and oil palms streams with buffers had
three times and seven times greater turbidity, respec-
tively (Table 2). Phosphorus (PO ) concentrations were
below detection in all study streams and nitrogen forms
3 4
0.156; and inorganic N (PERMANOA p = 0.163) and
SiO (PERMANOA p = 0.233) did not show a statistical
Benthic chlorophyll-a2
Chlorophyll-a in sediment samples (mg/m ) was
significantly impacted by land cover (ANOVA; F =
5.64879, p = 0.0085; Fig 2). The greatest concentra-
tions were in unbuffered oil palm streams (mean= 10.5,
sd = 10.3), followed by pasture (mean = 9.9, sd = 8.6),
buffered oil palm (mean = 1.3, sd = 0.8) and forest
(mean = 1.1, sd = 0.7). Post hoc tests revealed the
strongest differences in the comparison of pasture with
forest and buffered oil palm streams and with
unbuffered oil palm and forest (Fig. 2. Supplementary
material 1). Though there was variation among treat-
ments in benthic chlorophyll estimates collected from
stones (mg/m ), the difference was not statistically
significant (ANOVA; F = 3.090275, p = 0.059; Fig. 2).
Despite no significant difference was shown by the test,
the stones exhibited a comparable pattern to sediment
samples: greatest concentrations in pasture (mean =
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Table 1. Catchment and canopy cover showing mean and standard deviation in parenthesis of each land use (FO = Forest, OPB = Oil
Palm with riparian buffer, PA = Pasture, OP = Oil Palm).
Land cover Land cover Canopy cover (%)
Forest (%) Pasture (%) Oil palm (%) Secondary vegetation (%) Roads (%) Rojas-Castillo et al., (2023)
FO 100 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 83 (2.5)
OPB 0 (0) 0 (0) 71 (30.3) 27 (32.1) 2 (2.1) 81 (0.9)
PA 5 (12.9) 72 (28.9) 3 (6.3) 18 (12.9) 0.33 (0.5) 14 (17.5)
OP 0 (0) 0 (0) 96 (1) 1 (2.3) 2 (1.5) 37 (12.3)
15.9, sd = 18.6), followed by unbuffered oil palm (mean
= 9.2, sd = 8.3), forest (mean = 5.9, sd = 9.1), and buf-
fered oil palm (mean = 0.9, sd = 1.2).
Periphyton diversity and community composition.
Collectively, among all of our sites, we documented
a total of 69 taxa belonging to 42 genera, distributed in
5 phyla: 36% Bacillariophyta, 29% Charophyta, 17%
Cyanophyta, 14% Chlorophyta, and 5% Rhodophyta
(Supplementary material 2). Overall, we found greater
taxa richness and diversity in pasture streams relative
to the other land uses. Total taxa richness (Fig. 3)
ranged from 11 to 34 and was significantly impacted by
land cover (ANOVA; F = 5.7869, p = 0.0078). Taxa
richness was higher in pasture (mean = 24.0; sd = 5.7)
followed by unbuffered oil palm (mean = 19.1; sd = 6.0),
buffered oil palm (mean = 17.7; sd = 4.5) and forest
(mean = 17.4; sd = 3.4) streams. Post hoc Tukey test
indicated that streams in pastures had the highest taxa
richness compared to forest streams (Tukey, p <0.001)
and oil palm with buffer strips (Tukey; p = 0.0174).
Richness did not vary between buffered and
unbuffered oil palm (Tukey: p = 0.9447; Supplementary
material 3) and there was no significant difference
between streams in either type of oil palm plantations
and forest streams (Tukey for OP: p = 0.8551 and OPB:
p = 0.9990; Supplementary material 3).
Diversity, measured with Simpson Index ranged
from 0.507 to 0.942 and was also significantly
influenced by land cover (ANOVA; F = 3.491, p =
0.0423; Fig. 3). The lowest diversity was found in
unbuffered (mean = 0.81; sd = 0.04) and buffered oil
palm streams (mean = 0.82; sd = 0.12). The highest
diversity was found in pasture (mean = 0.89; sd = 0.03)
and forest streams (mean = 0.86; sd = 0.06). Post hoc
Tukey test indicated that diversity in pasture streams
was significantly higher compared to unbuffered oil
palm streams (Tukey; p = 0.0317). There was also a
marginal relationship between pasture streams and
buffered oil palm (Tukey; p = 0.0537). Diversity did not
vary between buffered and unbuffered oil palm (Tukey:
p = 0.9983) or between forested systems and either
type of oil palm plantation (Tukey for OP: p = 0.3788
and OPB: p = 0.4999; Supplementary material 4).
Pielou Evenness Index ranged from 0.444 to 0.942;
however, it was not significantly influenced by land
cover (ANOVA; F = 1.812, p = 0.1883).
The periphyton community composition was
impacted by land cover (Permanova; F = 4.6856, p =
0.001). Pairwise Permanova showed that forest
streams differed from pasture (p = 0.009) and buffered
and unbuffered oil palm streams (p = 0.006). Pasture
streams also differed from the buffered and unbuffered
oil palm streams (p = 0.009; Fig. 4). The nonmetric
multidimensional scaling (NMDS; stress value =
0.166921) showed that the periphyton community
composition in forest streams was influenced by
canopy coverage (R 0.7518, p = 0.001) and dissolved
oxygen (R 0.4132, p-value 0.028). In the pasture
streams the variables that showed a significant
influence were light (R 0.7024, p = 0.002), water
2 2
temperature (R 0.6119, p = 0.004), and NO (R
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Table 2. Stream environmental characteristics, showing mean and standard deviation in parenthesis of each land use (FO = Forest,
OPB = Oil Palm with riparian buffer, PA = Pasture, OP = Oil Palm). Variables with significant statistical difference (PERMANOVA) in bold
and with the p value in parentheses. Post hoc test (Pairwise PERMANOVA) differences are shown with letters, e.g., A, B, C, AB. All PO
concentrations were no detectable (ND).
Land cover Nutrients
SiO (mg/L) Inorganic Nitrogen (mg/L) NH (mg/L) NO (mg/L) PO (mg/L)
2 4 3 4
PERMANOVA p = 0.199 p = 0.163 p = 0.146 p = 0.051
FO 14.37 (5.6) 0.05 (0.04) 0.04 (0.04) 0.01 (0.0) ND
OPB 9.23 (1.3) 0.06 (0.08) 0.06 (0.08) 0.00 (0.0) ND
PA 13.67 (3. 8) 0.08 (0.03) 0.05 (0.02) 0.03 (0.03) ND
OP 10 (2.9) 0.09 (0.05) 0.07 (0.04) 0.03 (0.01) ND
Land cover Physicochemical variables
Light (lux) Temperature (°C) DO (mg/L) Turbidity (ntu) Conductivity pH
PERMANOVA p = 0.001 p = 0.001 p = 0.002 p = 0.001 p = 0.097 p = 0.137
FO 74.6 (49.8) A 24.7 (0.4) A 5.4 (1.6) A 6.7 (4.1) A 52.8 (26.1) 6.7 (0.3)
OPB 5.2 (4.8) AB 24.6 (0.5) A 5.1 (0.9) A 47.3 (27.4) B 98.6 (29.3) 6.7 (0.2)
PA 991.8 (269.3) C 28.4 (1.5) B 1.8 (0.4) B 14.1 (6.9) A 106.4 (50.5) 6.9 (0.2)
OP 778.9 (864.9) BC 24.7 (1.4) A 5.2 (1.1) A 28.7 (4.5) AB 68.1 (29.5) 6.6 (0.4)
0.4518, p = 0.008). For the oil palm streams with and
without a riparian buffer strip, turbidity (R 0.4687, p =
0.012) seemed to be the variable influencing the
community composition (Fig. 4). The indicator species
analysis showed that from the 69 taxa reported, 29 can
describe communities in the different land cover (Table
3). 18 taxa were associated with pasture streams, 6
taxa were associated with forest streams, and 5 were
taxa associated with oil palm streams with and without
a riparian buffer strip.
This study demonstrated that land conversion influ-
ences algal biomass, periphyton taxa richness, and
diversity compared to streams flowing through forested
landscapes in Guatemalan streams. Specifically, we
found significant differences in the structure and com-
position of periphyton in streams draining pasturelands
relative to the other streams in our study. We found that
benthic algal biomass was greater in landscapes domi-
nated by that remove riparian buffers, such as pastures
but also oil palm plantations without buffers. We found
no significant differences in taxa richness and diversity
between forested streams and those in oil palm planta-
tions. Similarly, there was no distinction in richness and
diversity between palm streams with riparian buffers
and those without. Yet, periphyton community compo-
sition was impacted by dominant land cover, and com-
munities collected in streams impacted by oil palm
cultivation were similar, containing more tolerant spe-
cies, in buffered and unbuffered systems. Our results
illustrate that land cover change can influence
photosynthetic microorganisms, as previous studies
show for before (Bere & Tundisi, 2011; Burgos-
Caraballo et al., 2014; Quinn et al., 1997; Tromboni et
al., 2019; Vázquez et al., 2011; Von Schiller et al.,
2007). Notably, we anticipated differences between
forest streams and oil palm plantations; however, our
findings did not support this prediction. We also
expected to find a difference between periphyton in oil
palm with and without a buffer strip because of
differences in riparian shading, contribution to
allochthonous material inputs. However, the
differences we documented were minimal.
Benthic chlorophyll-a and periphyton richness
and diversity.
Regardless of the dominant land cover, all streams
in this study were classified as oligotrophic-
mesotrophic based on chlorophyll concentrations
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala
Fig. 2. Box plot of repeated measures of Chlorophyll-a mg/m concentrations collected from sediment (left) and stone (right)
among streams flowing through different land cover treatments (forested (FO), oil palm (OP), oil palm with buffer (OPB), and
pasture (PA)).
-2 -2
(mean 20 mg m and maximum limit 60 mg m ; Dodds
et al., 1998). However, pasture streams were where we
observed the most significant differences in periphytic
algae, including biomass, taxa richness, and diversity.
This may have been attributed to increased light pene-
tration in pasture streams, as taxon richness, diversity
and benthic chlorophyll-a concentrations can be influ-
enced by light (Quinn et al., 1997; Vázquez et al., 2011;
Von Schiller et al., 2007; Tromboni et al., 2019). Buffer
strips reduce the amount of light entering streams
(Montgomery & Chazdon, 2001), consequently limiting
the growth and reproduction of algae (Hill, 1996). In our
systems, closed canopy streams (forest and oil palm
with riparian buffer) had five times more canopy cover
than pasture streams, and two times more canopy than
oil palm streams without a riparian buffer (Rojas-
Castillo et al., 2023).
We initially expected that streams associated with
unbuffered oil palm plantations would exhibit similar
conditions to those in pasture areas, as we predicted
that both types of land conversion would similarly affect
light penetration and nutrient inputs. However, our
results did not support this prediction. To assess the
shading effect of vegetation in the riparian zone, we
measured the percentage of canopy cover. However,
this metric did not account for the presence of shrubs or
grasses along the stream edges within oil palm
plantations, which can limit light entry. Similar
observations have been reported in other plantation
studies (Chellaiah & Yule, 2018; Lucey et al., 2018).
Additionally, the shade produced by the oil palms
themselves may have influenced our results. Oil palms
can grow up to 30 meters in height (Arias et al., 2009),
and their canopies may have restricted the amount of
light reaching the streams.
Ambient nutrient concentrations can also be
impacted by land cover change within a watershed,
and access to nitrogen or phosphorus can influence
algal abundance (Mangadze et al., 2015; Tromboni et
al., 2019) and biofilm diversity (Burgos-Caraballo et al.,
2014). Nutrients can also interact with light to support
greater biomass (Pacheco et al., 2022). Nutrient data in
this study were exceptionally limited (i.e., one sample
per stream reach); therefore, drawing conclusions
about predicted changes in water chemistry and
subsequent interactions with the periphyton
community should be done with care. We did not
document any statistically significant difference
between N or P and predominant land cover in our
study. However, this again could be due to extremely
low P concentrations (all below the limit of detection)
and the small number of samples we collected. Future
work should examine interactions between nutrients
and light in streams impacted by palm cultivation.
Turbidity in oil palm streams may have also influ-
enced periphyton communities through light occlusion
(Mori et al., 2018). Our data indicated that buffered and
unbuffered oil palm streams had the highest water
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Fig. 3. Average of the A) Estimated Richness (S), and B) Estimated Simpson (D) for each land cover treatment (forested (FO), oil
palm (OP), oil palm with buffer (OPB), and pasture (PA)). Bars represent standard error.
turbidity. Oil palm plantations can have greater water
turbidity due to soil erosion (Comte et al., 2012; Sahat
et al., 2016; Afandi et al., 2017) and this could have
important effects from a button-up perspective. For
instance, Chua et al., (2020) hypothesized that due to
high turbidity, oil palm streams could have reduced
autochthonous primary production and therefore result
in changes in fish traits. This may be especially impor-
tant for secondary consumers in unbuffered palm plan-
tations because they receive less allochthonous mate-
rial (Chua et al., 2020; Rojas-Castillo et al., 2023) and
therefore there will be fewer food resources (Brett et al.,
2017). The implementation of riparian buffers in oil
palm plantations aimed to soil erosion might need to be
improved in the plantation under study (Lucey,
2018). Streams adjacent to oil palm plantations lacking
buffer strips are directly affected by agricultural activi-
ties, allowing sediments to enter the water, and conse-
quently elevating turbidity levels (Mercer et al., 2014;
Luiza-Andrade et al., 2017).
Periphyton community composition
The periphyton communities we documented
through this study grouped by the type of dominant land
cover in the watershed. In forested streams, some of
the taxa we documented, including diatoms such
Eunotia sp. and Frustulia sp. are indicators of
oligotrophic systems that are typically rich in oxygen,
and poor in inorganic nitrogen inputs (Schneider et al.,
2013; Van Dam et al., 1994). In Brazil, some Eunotia
species, were reported in streams with high forest
cover and low levels of BOD5 (Bere & Tundisi, 2011).
Our work supports studies conducted in Mexican
streams by Ramírez-Babativa & Vázquez, (2015) and
Vázquez et al., (2011) who documented species of
Frustulia in well-conserved forested streams in Mexico.
In forested systems we also documented Cyanophyta
taxa inhabiting forest streams, Stigonema sp. and
Phormidium sp. Cyanobacteria can thrive in forest-
associated streams due to the phycobilin complex
capacity to utilize long wavelengths, enabling their
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala
Table 3. Indicator taxa derived using the multipatt function in R. P-values are in parentheses.
Land cover Indicator species
Forest (7 taxa) Bacillariophyta Cyanophyta
Eunotia sp 3 (0.008) Phormidium sp 1 (0.009)
Frustulia sp 1 (0.011) Stigonema sp 1 (0.0013)
Amphipleura sp 1 (0.043) Chlorophyta
Morpho genera 1 (0.025)
Pasture (16 taxa) Bacillariophyta Charophyta
Stauroneis sp 1 (0.003) Closterium sp 1 (0.001) sp 2 (0.001) sp 3 (0.043)
Gomphonema sp 1 (0.002) Cosmarium sp 2 (0.019) sp 3 (0.034)
Synedra sp 1 (0.001) Netrium sp 1 (0.004)
Cymbella sp 1 (0.003) Gonatozygon sp 1 (0.012) sp 2 (0.007)
Chlorophyta Mougeotia sp 1 (0.009)
Morpho genera 5 (0.028) and Bulbochaete sp 1 (0.041)
Morpho genera 4 (0.048)
Oil palm with and without buffer strip Bacillariophyta
(5 taxa) Gyrosigma sp 3 (0.002)
Navicula sp 2 (0.006)
Navicula sp 1 (0.004)
Morpho genera 2 (0.005) and
Morpho genera 3 (0.039)
presence in low light conditions (Whitton, 2012;
Komárek & Johansen, 2015). Members of the genus,
Stigonema sp. have been reported in low nutrient
concentration streams (Sagarra, 2017; Schneider et
al., 2013). Additionally, we documented Phormidium
that is a genus that has been widely observed in
periphyton mats, forming dense masses on substrates
such as rocks, plants or in sediments (Azim, 2009;
Komárek & Johansen, 2015). Our results are similar to
those of the species P. autumnale which was reported
in oligotrophic streams with limited light entry (Sagarra,
2017) and low nutrients and temperature (Lindstrøm et
al., 2004).
Our NMDS and subsequent analyses suggested
that communities in pasture streams were affected by
light, NO , and temperature, and were characterized by
16 associated taxa. These streams had the greatest
number of associated taxa, and, in previous work, most
of these taxa have been associated with pollution or
tolerance to high light conditions. For instance, certain
genus of Zygnematophyceae, such as Cosmarium,
Closterium, and Gonatozygon, have been associated
with eutrophic waters with high benthic chlorophyll-a
concentrations (da Silva et al., 2018) as in our study.
Diatoms associated to pasture streams were
Gomphonema sp., Synedra sp., and Cymbella sp.
Many species reported in those genera are associated
in streams with high organic matter concentrations
(Salomoni et al., 2006; Day & Dhlomo, 2007; Daruich et
al., 2013). Some species of Gomphonema have been
associated with pasture streams and coffee plantations
(Vázquez et al., 2011). Synedra species were reported
as primary indicators of anthropogenic eutrophication,
in rivers with organic matter (Maishale & Ulavi, 2015).
Regardless of the genus Cymbella, our results support
those of Tromboni et. al., (2019) who linked the genus
to high light tolerance, and those of Vázquez et al.
(2011) who exclusively found C. tumida in pasture and
coffee plantations streams.
In the streams running through palm oil plantations,
indicator species, such as Navicula sp. and Gyrosigma
sp, are associated with water turbidity. The genus
Navicula includes species adapted to a variety of
habitats (Van Dam et al., 1994), with some known for
their tolerance to turbid conditions (Eloranta &
Soininen, 2002). One species from the Navicula genus
has been reported in urban streams with low oxygen
levels and high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
(Bere & Tundisi, 2011). Additionally, Navicula have
been identified as pollution-tolerant species (Salomoni
et al., 2006). The genus Gyrosigma also contributed to
the assemblages found in oil palm streams and is
known for its tolerance to disturbed environments. For
example, a Gyrosigma species was reported in
agricultural streams experiencing eutrophic conditions,
with elevated sediment loads and high concentrations
of suspended solids and nutrients (Bona et al., 2007;
Vázquez et al., 2011). Another Gyrosigma species has
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
Fig. 4. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) of periphyton density with statistically significant environmental vectors.
Stress value 0.166921. Land cover treatment (forested (FO), oil palm (OP), oil palm with buffer (OPB), and pasture (PA)).
been associated with streams containing elevated
levels of total nitrogen, nitrate, and phosphorus
(Mangadze et al., 2015).
Our work should be considered with the following
limitations in mind. First, we were only able to include a
small number of sites for comparing buffered and
unbuffered oil palm. Additionally, we were limited in our
capacity to collect repeated samples of physico-
chemical data. Our findings may also have been
influenced by the approach we used to identify algal
taxa. In recent years, much of the research on
photosynthetic microorganisms has employed
genomic methods that permit a more robust species
classification compared to traditional morphological
identification (Pawlowski et al., 2022). Here, we used
morphological identification similar to Bere & Tundisi
(2011), Mangadze et al. (2015), Tromboni et al. (2019),
and Vázquez et al. (2011). Errors in identification may
come from the complexities of organism morphologies
and cell structures, which can be challenging to
distinguish without proper microscopes and
specialized expertise in algae taxonomy (Manoylov,
2014). Another important limitation of our study was the
variability in hard substrates in our research sites,
particularly in pasture and oil palm streams. In many of
these streams, stones were absent, requiring us to
collect periphyton from woody substrates. We
acknowledge that this choice could obscure the effects
of land cover, as different algae species exhibit
substrate-specific preferences and introduce bias into
our interpretations (Allan & Castillo, 2021). Future work
in oil palm plantations should employ artificial
substrates, such as unglazed ceramic tiles, to
standardize periphyton collection (Porter-Goff et al.,
2010; Tromboni et al., 2019).
This study aimed to elucidate the relationship
between land use, benthic chlorophyll-a concentra-
tions (algae biomass), as well as periphyton richness,
evenness, and community composition. We found that
streams with high canopy cover (forest and oil palm
with buffer strip) had reduced algae biomass compared
to open canopy streams (pasture and unbuffered oil
palm streams). We found no substantial differences in
periphyton taxa richness and diversity between for-
ested areas, oil palm plantations, and oil palm planta-
tions with or without buffer strips. Additionally, we found
that pasture streams changed significantly periphyton
taxa richness and diversity, exhibiting the highest num-
ber of associated taxa known from previous studies to
be linked to pollution or tolerance to high light condi-
tions. While we observed no substantial differences in
taxa richness and diversity between forested streams
and oil palm plantations, the composition of periphyton
communities was notably influenced by land cover.
Specifically, streams affected by oil palm cultivation
hosted more tolerant species, regardless of the pres-
ence of riparian buffers. These results underscore the
complex interactions between agricultural practices
and aquatic ecosystems, challenging our initial expec-
tations regarding the differences between forested and
oil palm-impacted streams. Ultimately, our study con-
tributes to the understanding of how land use alter-
ations affect photosynthetic microorganisms and
emphasizes the need for further research into the eco-
logical implications of oil palm cultivation and agricul-
tural practices on freshwater biodiversity.
Biofilms, which include periphytic algae and
decomposers, contribute to energy flow and
biogeochemical cycling in rivers and often serve as the
foundation of aquatic food webs (Brett et al., 2017; Guo
et al., 2016; Hall & Meyer, 1998; March & Pringle, 2003;
Marks, 2019). Our work documented that one of pri-
mary conservation measures used by plantation man-
agers, the use of riparian buffers (Lucey et al., 2018),
had limited influence on the composition of
photosynthetic microorganisms, despite our small
sample size. Further, research on leaf litter decomposi-
tion within oil palm plantations has yielded mixed
results, with no consistent pattern emerging regarding
the effectiveness of riparian zone conservation to main-
tain ecosystem processes (Chellaiah & Yule, 2018b;
Rojas-Castillo et al., 2024b). This underscores the
need for additional studies focused on both the
autotrophic and decomposer components of biofilms in
oil palm-affected streams. Such research would
deepen our understanding of how palm plantations
impact aquatic ecosystems, and could enhance con-
servation strategies aimed for mitigating the ecological
impacts of continued palm expansion.
We want to thank the personnel of the Lachuá
National Park, and Ricardo Cac for the support and
lessons learned in the field. We appreciate the
collaboration of Hans Graff for allowing us to do
research on his plantation. We are grateful with Centro
de Estudios de Atitlán and Ciencias Biológicas y
Oceanográficas Laboratory for allowing us access to
their facilities for the analysis and identification of
algae. Special thanks to Jose Roberto Ortíz, Estuardo
Bocel, and Jorge García-Polo for their valuable
support. We greatly appreciate the effort of Trine
Warming Perlt from the University of Copenhagen and
Mónica Martínez from the Centro de Estudios de Atitlán
for their help in algae species identification. We want to
acknowledge the feedback provided by Irene Sánchez
on the introduction of the manuscript and express our
deepest appreciation to the Rojas Castillo and Vargas
Bol. Soc. Zool. Uruguay (2ª época). 2024. ISSN 2393-6940Vol. 33 (2): e33.2.5
The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala
López families for their incredible support and
kindness. This project received funding from the
European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie
agreement No 801199. We would like to thank
Macrolatinos@ and the reviewers for their important
contributions to this manuscript.
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The influence of land cover on periphyton communities in streams in northern Guatemala